
Great news for those wanting to try SmugMug, no credit card needed now

SmugMug now offers a 14 trial which doesn’t require a credit card.  You now have no excuse to go try out what I think is the best photo site on the net.

Back when Omar turned me on to SmugMug a credit card was required to do the free trial, turning a bunch of people away from the site.  While requiring a CC caused resistance, the number of people who stayed is worth noting: of the people I know who did the trial, over 80% of them stayed with the service.  With props from PC Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Macworld, Newsweek, Businssweek and Forbes you can be sure you’re getting a great product.

Oh, and once you sign up (because you will sign up :)), be sure to download Omar’s Send to SmugMug tool (Windows only, sorry).  Send to SmugMug makes the process of uploading pictures a simple task.

2 replies on “Great news for those wanting to try SmugMug, no credit card needed now”

Yeah, but while the cool kids are paying $60 yearly for 1.2 Gigabytes of photo storage us losers are paying $50 yearly at SmugMug for unlimited storage. I’ll let you do the math: I have 20 Gigs of pictures up on SmugMug (almost eleven thousand images) and Pbase charges 23 a year for each additional 400 megabytes.

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