It’s eye catching… but, still, would you hire them?
Category: Overseen
When? For what?
I’ve been going to town uploading pictures to our smugmug site… and I came across this:
The for sale portion amused me… but I forgot to post the picture. Better late than never. Good thing that sudden ice age didn’t hit.
Redundant Department of Redundancy Dept.
That shouldn’t be there
We’ve had some heavy winds this past week… this huge tree is across 4 lanes and a median.
I say Ketchup, you say Catsup, let’s call the whole thing off.
But wait… something new on the horizon? Here’s just the thing for people looking for that special condiment to set off their latest culinary creation:
Yummy, banana ketchup. Now public schools can ensure our under-fed youth get their requisite serving of both fruits and vegetables simply by dousing cafeteria french fries with this compound condiment.
Knock, Knock
We took a ferry when we were on vacation last week…
It had an impressive steel door to the bridge…
… and an impressive security sign…
… and an impressive slide lock…
… on the non-secure side.
I guess if you’re dumb enough to try to hijack this ferry you’ll likely be stymied by this marvel of modern security.
Fair is not fair
Sunscreen on the arms? Check.
Sunscreen on the face? Check.
Sunscreen on that thinning spot on the top of the head? Check.
Sunscreen on the tops of the feet? CRAP!
I was at a special Microsoft campus recently and had the distinct privilege of being allowed into the top secret research wing. The most interesting work being done at this facility is Microsoft Research’s ultra-secret experimentation with worm holes.
If anyone asks, you didn’t hear it from me.
The building name has been blurred out, of course, for security reasons (click for larger version).