Did you ever want to have a South Park character of your very own? Well try the South Park Studios Create a Character. See if you can make one that looks just like you.
Category: Idle
Let’s say you’re an avid Trekkie, you live in Sacramento and you really have a hankerin’ for live music… check out some Star Trek tribute bands.
Awesome movie archive
Ah, the good old days.
Remember why they were good? If not, let the Prelinger Archives refresh your memory.
Like mushrooms? Hate insects?
Butch the insecting eating mushroom… yeah, that makes sense
Hey! Catch! … Psych! Watch Michael Jackson dangle his baby out a hotel window. This guy is just beyond weird.
Wow, trippy
No, the drugs weren’t freely available in the 60’s… http://homepage.mac.com/celkjer/iMovieTheater2.html
Hilarious videos from Ardman Animation
Want to have children? Are you sure? Here is some hilarious birth control: Angry Kid.
Ice cold cool
What’s better than cool? Instant Cool! You must check out this Wushu video.
I simply don’t have the attention span for this kind of task: a Lego harpsichord. Two years in the making, this plastic pre-piano really plays pretty parts.