Airlines often allow you to pick your seats when you’re buying your ticket… but how do you know if you should pick 16a or 27f? Will there be in-seat power for your laptop? Does your window seat actually have a window? Consult and you’ll be able to pick seats with the best of them.
Category: Web
Update: obligitory slashdot link
Wow, who’d have thought this would happen?
And before any conspiracies start… no, Microsoft didn’t do it. 😛
The problem is a new worm on the loose is causing a distributed attack on search engines in it’s quest for new e-mail addresses to which it can send itself (my English teacher just rolled over in her grave).
Okay class… repeat after me: “I will update my anti-virus software once a week if not more often.”
Google, other engines hit by worm variant
By Richard Shim and Michael Kanellos
Staff Writer, CNET
update Major Internet search engines were crippled Monday morning by a variant of the MyDoom worm, rendering Google inaccessible to many users and slowing results from Yahoo.
The attack also affected smaller engines, including Alta Vista, a Yahoo subsidiary, and Lycos.
A Lycos representative said the company is aware of the problem and is working to block the performance obstacles. A Google representative said the company was working to figure out what was happening.
Judge gives stiff sentences
Oklahoma Judge Accused Of Pleasuring Himself In Court
State AG Seeks Judge’s Removal From Bench
OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson asked a state court Thursday to remove a Creek County judge from the bench for allegedly using a sexual device during court proceedings.
The petition asks the Oklahoma Court on the Judiciary to remove Judge Donald Thompson, who is accused of using a penis pump during court proceedings.
Maybe it’s something they ate…
Did I not get the memo that it’s open season on doing crazy stuff with food?
- 6/22 in Monterrey: the world’s largest taco
- 7/1 in Scottsdale: the world’s largest ice cream social
- 7/2 in Portsmouth: the cake with the most lit candles (15, 120)
- 7/2 in Chicago: the world’s largest hot dog
- 7/3 in Singapore: the world’s largest Satay line
- 7/30 in Singapore: the worlds tallest kaya toast tower
I’m always amazed at how far the on-line world has come in the last ten years.
I’m even more amazed at how much I assume everyone else is amazed by that.
- I live in a special little world called Silicon Valley.
- I live in a world where everyone has an e-mail address (and most have three).
- I live in a world where I look suspiciously at any business that doesn’t have a web site (even Internet addiction centers have web sites).
- I live in a world where anything that can’t be Googled doesn’t exist.
- I live in a world where most things that can be Googled still don’t exist (killed in a rocket car? yeah, right).
- I live in a world where WWJD stands for What Would Jobs Do?
- I live in a world where people will buy a Mini because it’s compatible with their iPod.
- I live in a world where a reality distortion field isn’t science fiction, it’s protected by the ADA.
- I live in a world where the coolest computer company only has a fraction of the market and makes most of their money selling MP3 players.
- I live in a world where a project doesn’t end when you ship, it ends when you get the T-Shirt.
Ah… paradise.
Update: Patch for part of the problem:
On line news sources have picked up ISC’s warning of a new threat to IE users which could allow hackers to steal on line banking passwords. The code exploits a combination of a hole in unpatched IIS web servers to install malicious pop ups and a hole in IE to install a program via that pop up. The installed program watches for connections to a specific set of banking sites and logs the username and password (yet another reason everyone should get a pop up blocker, I’m so glad XP SP2 comes with pop up blocking as part of its greatly enhanced security).
Unfortunately the articles don’t do anything to help users understand what they should do to protect themselves from this attack or even if there is anything they can do. The reason for this lack of info is there is little users can do to defend against this exploit, even for advanced users. This is very scary to users of any level.
So… what should users do? Here are my suggestions (yeah, these are my suggestions, my employer hasn’t approved them etc.)
Users of Windows XP can protect themselves by upgrading to Windows XP service pack 2, RC2 (RC2 means “release candidate 2”, i.e. it’s not the final version). Early adopters may rejoice and the braver among you may jump on board. I’ve been running SP2 for a while now and my personal opinion is: RC2 is great, but just in case you should back up your stuff and choose the install option which allows you to remove it if you have second thoughts later on. Unfortunately SP2 RC2 is a “preview” and isn’t supported by us yet. 🙁
Users should also review the ISC list of targeted bank URLs (scroll down through the report to find the list). If users have visited any of those sites recently they should seriously consider changing their banking password. By the law of averages users who get frequent pop up advertisements are the most at risk (regardless of the type of site you visit).
For users of earlier versions of Windows or people who aren’t willing to install the unsupported RC2 release there isn’t a fix yet, but there will be a fix in a couple weeks (no date has been announced yet). To help protect users until the patch has been fully tested Microsoft is working with law enforcement to shut down all the sites known to be hosting the exploit.
On a related note, if you don’t update your system regularly, you really should. I’ve set Windows to automatically update my machines every night at 3am if needed. Some worry automatic updates will cause problems but here’s my anecdotal data: I’ve been running automated updates on my very non-standard PC (a dual processor, 500 MHz Celeron with additional hardware that hasn’t been approved for Windows 2000 much less XP) for as long as it’s been available – I have never had a problem caused by the automatic updates. Besides, the problems created by not updating far outweigh the possible problems you might encounter with the automatic updates. Also, the automatic updates don’t include hardware drivers in the vast majority of cases (and it’s the hardware driver updates that cause many upgrade problems people encounter).
Some more details from ZDNet:
I guess Gregory Mendel wasn’t crazy
Hoo boy, I bet this crew is fun a the local neighborhood fourth of July barbecue!
Lance Champion of McMinnville, Tennessee decided to pull over a local deputy for violating the speed limit (Note: Lance isn’t a peace officer, he just plays one in his own mind). The resultant conversation landed 23 year-old Champion in custody for disorderly conduct (um, duh!).
Champion then did what any good local superhero would do, he called his mom. Mom Champion next showed up at the scene with Champion’s 17 year-old brother. Jr. Champion helped the situation by slapping the hand of a police officer who was supervising the towing of Lance Champion’s car.
Okay kids, what happens when you hit a police officer? That’s right, you get arrested. Having her two sons arrested was obviously tough on Mom Champion who promptly got herself cuffed for disorderly conduct as well. Wanna go for a royal flush?
The Champion patriarch, Hal Champion, was able to return from church just in time to help diffuse the situation by showing up and (like a good Christian) through peace, love and understanding promptly get himself taken down with a taser gun and arrested.
Some people shouldn’t be allowed to breed.
Yeah, sounded crazy to me too, but it’s real and happened on Tuesday, go get the official write up at CNN.
Try this on
So, you’re sitting at home thinking… “I had a Cesarean section with my first child and that means I’ll have to have one for my second child. I should just get a zipper installed for convenience. But… what would that look like?”
Well, worry no longer, you can try on your own belly zipper navel piercing to be sure you like the look.

… I thought that warm feeling was heart burn. 🙂
My lovely wife has started a blog… it does me proud.