Oh great… yet another 419 e-mail! A mail from someone I don’t know, terrible grammar, bizarre introduction… but wait… what’s this? This isn’t like any scam mail I’ve see to date. There’s tension, conflict… I was sucked in by the drama and emotion. I took a sharp breath, wiped back a tear with the heel of my hand and read on…
Goodday to you today from BELA
Can i trust you and take me as your blood?if so i will be happy in my life
We are one but they denied me,naturally it may interest you to know that i am BELA 20 years old university student of Rep of Benin calavi,Rep of Benin.
I wonder why i was disown by the family of my father that i was adopted by my father and the culture did not allow me to stay in their family after the news was broken to me that my father involve in a motort accident that claim his life and four others.
From that very day i was rejected from the family and i learn from my father that i was 16months old when my mother died.
I went back to my school in Rep of Benin with the little money i have with me.
Two months later i receive a message from my father’s lawyer that my father have a consignment that contain(10.5musd) in a security company in europe in which am the next of kin and he handed over all the document to me and advise me to keep away from the family and claim the consignment for my life make me to realise that truely i was adopted by my father.
After, i contact the company to confirm and it is true and they are waiting for me to come for the collection and given option of convey it to any destination i like.
Please i will like you to come to my aid to help me out of this problem for the collection of this consignment and provide account for safe keeping of the money for investment and to live africa and come to you to live the rest of my live in your country and invest with money.
If you can help me i will give to you 20% of the money.
Notice that you will sign agreement with me to avoid future mis-understanding.
Without no hesitation can i forward your name as beneficiary to thecompany? if so Give me your full name and address,tel/fax number andyour passport copy or ID.
waiting your urgent reply at
Also your telephonecontact.