
Oh dear… they’re back.

Trina posted the first installment of these two Chinese students lip synching “I want it that way” about a month ago… and Paula and I almost wet ourselves.

Well, if you were waiting for more, wait no longer… they’re back with their interpretation of “As long as you love me”.

Yeah… the guy is still playing doom in the background, oblivious.

And yeah, the first one is still better.

Blog Tech Web Weird

GoogleBlogTag is sooooo last micro-minute

Bengt, Steve and I spent a bunch of time posturing to figure out who could get their blog to the top of the Google search results for a made up word.  It’s a page rank game, how “popular” is your web site?

Bah, kid stuff.  Real men (real capitalist men) care about money.  Here’s the acid test: How much is your blog worth?

My blog is worth $15,242.58.
How much is your blog worth?

Thanks Tom for the pointer!

Web Weird

The Internet is the greatest!

Ah… it’s the random stuff that’s the best.

Here’s a guy who dresses up like Elvis… dressed up like a storm trooper.

Yes, it’s…

Web Weird

Dad rocks really, really hard

This made me happy:

Dad’s home

Click then click “watch this movie!”
(don’t tell me it’s old… I’m just out of touch)

Web Weird

Things to California when you’re dead

I find it strangely disturbing that Activision has people running around graveyards playing a somewhat morbid game of poker relying on info from tombstones.  Sure, marketing never really worries too much about who they offend… as long as they sell stuff.  I’ve always felt that “dead is dead” and the residents of the graveyard would be fine with this kind of stuff… I just worry about how the living feel.

I’d love to have been a fly on the wall in the meeting where they approached the graveyard operator.

“Hi, we want permission to let a crowd of nerds into your graveyard to run around playing poker.  It’ll be okay, we promise… it’s to sell a video game.”

Visit C|Net for more info: ‘Graveyard Games’ makes lively debut in Bay Area

Web Weird

Straight outta Eagan Minnesota

According to Wikipedia, Northwest Airlines changed its logo in April of 2003… it took until now for me to notice the change… or the connection.

Reference Sites Useful Web

MSN Search as a dictionary

While at the 2nd annual MSN Butterfly Tour the topic came up of using search to look up the definition of words.  I mentioned to the testers that it can be done by using the “define” keyword. 

For example, say I want to look up the definition of the word “sibilance” to make sure I’m using it correctly.  Typing “define sibilance” into the MSN tool bar or the MSN search page will return your typical search results, but at the top of the page you’ll find a definition of the word from Encarta.

MSN search supports a variety of phrases to tell it you want specific information.  You can get the same results as “define” by using the phrases “what is [word]” or “what is the definition of [word]?” (but typing “define” is, of course, fastest).

Here are some other cool searches:

Why waste time going to the bookshelf for a dictionary or encyclopedia?

Idle Life Web Weird

Hey, those are sweet!


So, I was thinking…

If I were cheap enough to steal the swanky hotel hangers, I would probably consider it a reasonable investment to buy a thinner closet rod so I could use them.


Web Weird

Ah, a trip down memory lane

Last night I pulled up some of the Internet humor files I used to have on my site and moved them into a directory on this site.  In the process I came across the All your base are belong to us flash movie I saved.  I reminisced a bit with coworkers and Steve pointed out that there is an excellent article on wikipedia about the phenom.

Ah… good times.

Web Weird

Sadistic? Maybe. Hypnotic? Definitely.

I don’t understand exactly why… but I’m mesmerized by this:

Try grabbing them by the feet.