Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Talk Like A Pirate Day – September 19
Not everyone likes to dance… but don’t let that stop you. No music? At work? Try Stealth Disco.
Do you think Dolly has a site too?
This is the best URL… ever! MenWhoLookLikeKennyRogers.com
Monster maker
Get your freak on, then share it with a friend and let them mess it up. Visit freakmachine.co.uk to build your very own monster. BWAHAHA!
“That’s Frankensteen!”
Now These Are Just Plain Cool
Max Displays makes multi-head LCD monitors. Lot’s of screen in an integrated package. For the ultra-cool day-trader look you need the 4-in-one monitor.
The non-fluffy side of the web
Sure, the web has a lot of fluff (with some of the very-fluffy listed here), but where do you go to get some real meat? Check out MKaku.org | Theoretical Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, science & technology.
Cool downloads from smart people thinking of future stuff: MS Research Downloads.
Now this is what all parents need, a way to be involved in their kids life. Go visit Baby Ink Tattoo and get your toddler a tat!
7/29/03 Update: The site appears to have gone away. Aww… that’s too bad, it’s rare to find a site so disturbing and funny. I guess the April Fool’s joke timed out. BabyInk hoax info.
The questions are tough, but You Must Choose!
Well, it is a web page after all, not a repo man, you don’t really have to choose. I mean really… “must” is a little strong isn’t it?
Awesome movie archive
Ah, the good old days.
Remember why they were good? If not, let the Prelinger Archives refresh your memory.