Do you wash your hands after handling money because you don’t know where it’s been? Well stop washing, you can find out where it’s been, check out Where’s George?
Let’s say you’re an avid Trekkie, you live in Sacramento and you really have a hankerin’ for live music… check out some Star Trek tribute bands.
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Talk Like A Pirate Day – September 19
Not everyone likes to dance… but don’t let that stop you. No music? At work? Try Stealth Disco.
Do you think Dolly has a site too?
This is the best URL… ever!
Monster maker
Get your freak on, then share it with a friend and let them mess it up. Visit to build your very own monster. BWAHAHA!
“That’s Frankensteen!”
Now These Are Just Plain Cool
Max Displays makes multi-head LCD monitors. Lot’s of screen in an integrated package. For the ultra-cool day-trader look you need the 4-in-one monitor.
The non-fluffy side of the web
Sure, the web has a lot of fluff (with some of the very-fluffy listed here), but where do you go to get some real meat? Check out | Theoretical Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, science & technology.
Cool downloads from smart people thinking of future stuff: MS Research Downloads.
Now this is what all parents need, a way to be involved in their kids life. Go visit Baby Ink Tattoo and get your toddler a tat!
7/29/03 Update: The site appears to have gone away. Aww… that’s too bad, it’s rare to find a site so disturbing and funny. I guess the April Fool’s joke timed out. BabyInk hoax info.