Is your wireless network too slow? Get WiFi Speed Spray!
Like mushrooms? Hate insects?
Butch the insecting eating mushroom… yeah, that makes sense
Playing dress up, still creepy
I told you, as long as it’s just cats we’re okay… now I really mean it, I’m calling PETA for sure this time…. oh, hey, that’s cute.
That explains a lot
You want to see the Weapons of Mass Destruction? Use the most powerful search tool, Google. Just go to Google, type in “Weapons of Mass Destruction” and then (this is important) click the “I’m feeling lucky” button.
For those of you with no patience, just click here: Cannot find Weapons of Mass Destruction.
I know Ping Pong
Morpheus: “Show Me”
It’s ping pong… it’s the matrix…
No, it a really kool talent show.
Edit: YouTube copy:
Blog this from Google toolbar
Hey, Google has added functionality to their Google toolbar that makes it easy to quickly blog a site. If you bolg or if you just use Google then this toolbar is a must have (needs WinIE). Google Toolbar
What!?!?! The maker of popular crotch rockets has gone touchy-feely? How you ask? Why the only logical way, they offer downloadable templates for paper sculptures of rare animals. Check out Yamaha paper craft.
Okay, I’m lame
Sorry for the lack of posts… changes in Blogger and my blogging software conflicted and I haven’t been able to publish. Working on getting new tools.
Nigerian Email Conference
Great for those of you needing help in transferring moneys! Visit for more information.
Just what everyone needs, a ghost in a jar: Visit ebay to buy it!