It’s way better than the real news… it’s the Weekly World News.
Hey Man Dig The Crazy Threads
Hey man! Dig the crazy threads!
Now, if they only had ordering information…
Tasty and drippy
Take a sip from the dribble glass of life at
Something Awful is something awesome. It’s a satire site folks.
I guess it’s settled then. Mr. Wrinkle is the cutest dog in the universe.
Did you run out of yo’ mamma insults?
Can’t think up your own insults?
Pigs love cupcakes
Stack up pigs to help them get cupcakes. No, I don’t know what it means either but golly it’s cute!
Lot’s more games on the same site:
Prevent domestic disputes… with your cat
Does your cat leave the seat up?
Pretty or Pretty Crazy?
Wow! This site is both beautiful and mildly disturbing.
Bonus points for a really cool domain name. 🙂
Precious Puppy Pix
What’s cuter than a puppy? A puppy seen through a fish eye lens.