A shorter day today (took a break for Rob and Sharon’s baby shower), only three hours. No more ugly vinyl floor, yay!
Tag: Life
Bathroom remodel, day two.
Vinyl is nice and all… but it’s gotta go.
True to form, I was in a hurry today for no particular reason, as a result fate smacked me in the back of the head.
I took the day off today to go with Paula up to Sausalito to get some tile for our bathroom. On the way up there we were driving along highway 1 through San Francisco when the light in front of us turns yellow. The truck next to us wasn’t slowing down so I thought, “what the heck, I’ll keep going too”.
There were two lights along the route with red light traffic cameras. That was one of them. There were two pretty flashes, one for the semi, one for me. Great.
I guess the SF PD will be sending me a nice portrait via US Postal Service… I just hope my portrait turns out as nice as Steve’s (see bottom of page).

The frequent trips to Redmond paid off…
Words to live by
I love this quote from an interview with Richard Pryor on NPR’s Fresh Aire. Mr. Pryor was talking about dealing with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), he said that his disease was a blessing and joked about it in his routines. In the interview he said:
Life to me was like… not supposed to make sense, ’cause, hey, it’s I don’t care how you slice it, you ain’t getting out alive, so enjoy as much as you can.
Richard Pryor died this month at the age of 65, his wife said he was joking right up until the and and died with a smile on his face.

Once again I’m humbled by the strength of others. A tip of the hat to you Mr. Pryor, I’m sure you watching us and still laughing.
Does anyone else find it amusing that I have been reading “Faster” for several months now?
I was always at odds with myself when I was working in the Mac group at Microsoft. The team is a great, smart bunch of people who really love the Mac platform and really want to do right by the Mac and turn out cool software. I knew we were doing good work but there is so much zealotry in the Mac community that it took me a long time to refer to Microsoft as “we”. If you check out comments on Omar’s blog you can see first-hand some of the quasi-religious fervor that can follow any post which is construed as anti-Apple.
Well, it’s taken me a long time but I can finally say I’m proud to be a Microsoft employee. Having worked at Microsoft for almost nine years now I’ve come to realize the public’s view of Microsoft as a big, evil company who’s sole purpose is to crush all opposition is both not the view of the majority of the public and also just not true. The people with whom I’ve worked are, with few exceptions, driven to excel and truly passionate about producing great software for their customers. We are a competitive lot, but while having another company (e.g. Google or Yahoo!) producing cool e-mail software may drive me to want to out-do them I no more want to destroy Yahoo! than I would want to injure an opponent when playing soccer (besides, if Yahoo was destroyed, I’d feel really bad for Hans, Rob and Randy… they’re great people).
Seeing as it’s past 2AM and I’m on the road, having trouble sleeping without my lovely wife around… I was thinking… Being a white, American male growing up in the ‘burbs (raised Christian to boot), working on Macintosh software at MS provided me with what is probably the closest experience I’ll ever have to true racism. And I’m know it’s nothing compared to what blacks, gays, Muslims, handicapped etc. people may face.
So, I suppose it’s no great triumph of human will against insurmountable odds… baby steps.
So, I was thinking… If I were cheap enough to steal the swanky hotel hangers, I would probably consider it a reasonable investment to buy a thinner closet rod so I could use them.
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It’s the little things in life…
On the way back in from taking the dog out I was bending over Nala trying to get her to sit and Paula looked up at our dove family and found them looking back at us. The trio was looking down at the dog and me trying hard to figure what the heck was going on.
Their curious expressions made my night.
From high school biology I remember that blue eyes is recessive and brown eyes is dominant. I have blue eyes… so I have two recessive blue eye genes… should I have children, that’s all I can pass on. If my wife had brown eyes then I’d know that our children would likely have brown eyes but possibly blue. My education was useful up to the point I married a green-eyed lady (who here is old enough to remember Sugarloaf? Raise your hand… but don’t pull anything, please).
The other day while discussing genetics and eugenics with Imran my curiosity got the better of my and I did a search for an eye color calculator. My search turned up a very nice page which happens to be hosted by our local Tech Museum. My question has finally been answered: 66% chance for green eyes, 33% chance for blue. Want to know your chances? Make sure you know your parents’ eye color, your mate’s parents’ eye color, your mate’s eye color and your eye color then go to the Tech’s eye color calculator. Note, if you can’t remember your own eye color you’re in trouble… if you can’t remember your mate’s eye color you’re in really big trouble.
Now I now the odds for eye color… if I could just find out if they’ll inherit her good looks or my idiocy.