Was doing a web search for an industrial style hose reel. Bing helpfully provided some related searches. Let’s play a little game, shall we?
Tag: Weird
Friday, Friday, Roly Poly Friday
I think the world really needs a mashup of Rebecca Black’s Friday and Barnes and Barnes’s Fish Heads.
Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not singing it to yourself right now.
Wallace or Gromit?
Not who I pegged to be selling cosmetics
Saw this at the bottom of a chat window today:
Derek Jeter skin care? Is there really a market for this?
Okay, now this is just sad… it’s 1:26am and I’m checking Google.

Is it just me or is everyone else tired of fake news stories on 4/1? Common now people. It’s been done.
Now this is what all parents need, a way to be involved in their kids life. Go visit Baby Ink Tattoo and get your toddler a tat!
7/29/03 Update: The site appears to have gone away. Aww… that’s too bad, it’s rare to find a site so disturbing and funny. I guess the April Fool’s joke timed out. BabyInk hoax info.
The questions are tough, but You Must Choose!
Well, it is a web page after all, not a repo man, you don’t really have to choose. I mean really… “must” is a little strong isn’t it?
Playing dress up, still creepy
I told you, as long as it’s just cats we’re okay… now I really mean it, I’m calling PETA for sure this time…. oh, hey, that’s cute.
That explains a lot
You want to see the Weapons of Mass Destruction? Use the most powerful search tool, Google. Just go to Google, type in “Weapons of Mass Destruction” and then (this is important) click the “I’m feeling lucky” button.
For those of you with no patience, just click here: Cannot find Weapons of Mass Destruction.